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Cuerpxs de Luz

Cuerpxs de Luz is a durational performance and socially engaged project that focused on creating strong bonds amongst the Latinx community, and explored ways to be beacons of light for one another. The project investigated migration and mobility, the concept of home and belonging and an overall look at desire and intentionality in any given journey. 


The project for me began by finding a small group of people, a chosen family, that would want to partake in a journey of growth and understanding, a durational performance that migrated from a point A to point B - set to last from sunset until sunrise. A difficult and arduous expedition by a group of Latinx immigrants in New York City to expand our comprehension of immigration, our experience and that of other immigrants. An effort to negate the current rhetoric of politics and media of who we are and why we are here, by travelling through the city and placing ourselves in the public arena in our voyage to find our home. We allowed passersby to observe this journey and walk with us for a while, just to be seen while being and finding us/home/the self.


The performance began at Grace Exhibition Space as a slow orbiting action of self-realization and reflection, then migrated slowly through the streets of Manhattan and finally arrived to LuminXspace  - a pop-up Sanctuary for Immigrants in the West Village. All the journey was an opportunity to remain present with each other despite difficulty, to become beacons of light/support for each other on our common goal to get somewhere (intention) and find ourselves. 


Despite having a plan to migrate towards our new home on a set schedule, we encountered circumstances that made us move quicker through some of our points of “refuge”. Safety is always a priority, so our intention to perform from sunset to sunrise had to change. Revisiting the idea of planning and flexibility by being present. We arrived home earlier. The performance finished at 5:30 am, with each performer arriving to each own’s home - their sanctuary.


Thanks to the warriors of light that were part of this challenging yet rewarding journey.

Cuerpxs de Luz was made possible in part with public funds from Creative Engagement, supported by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council and administered by LMCC.


Performers: Arantxa Araujo, Natalia de Campos, Maira Duarte, Mario Galeano, Rocio Perez, Kevin Quiles Bonilla, Christopher UnPezVerde Nunez 

Team: Valeria Avina, Wei Chao, George De Castro Day , Ben Fisher, Boris Kourtoukov, Alex Romania, Dan Zlotnik.

Photos by Wei Chao

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© 2024 By Arantxa Araujo.

New York, NY |  CDMX, MX

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