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building bridges not walls

Livefeed video of building bridges not walls

Performed at Panoply Lab

Date: November 5th, 2016


Created by Arantxa Araujo


Performance por Arantxa Araujo y Juan Diego Bonilla

building bridges not walls explores the multiple repetitive attempts to connect regardless of the barriers, limits and walls. It focuses on the tactics for survival that we use in a world of violent rhetoric, prohibition, constant surveillance and otherness.


Photos by Brandon Perdomo

Performance by Arantxa Araujo and Juan Diego Bonilla


building bridges not walls explorá los intentos repetitivos de conectar sin importar las barreras, los limites y las paredes. Estudia las tácticas para sobrevivir en un mundo con una rétiorica violenta, prohibición, vigilancia constante y otredad.


Fotos por Brandon Perdomo

Performance por Arantxa Araujo y Juan Diego Bonilla

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